The Pros And Cons Of Canadian Gun Laws

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The Canadian gun law is a highly controversial topic with three primary standpoints: advocating for stricter regulations, supporting a reduction in restrictions, and maintaining current laws. Each standpoint has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The American gun laws are simply a less restricted version of Canadian gun laws. Based on research, the United States has a higher death rate than Canada, meaning that there is more gun violence and Canadian gun laws should not decrease. This makes more people want the idea that Canadian gun restrictions should increase, but increasing can also bring downsides, based on research as well. Therefore, in comparison to the United States, the Canadian gun laws should remain the same because Canada …show more content…

The problem with the Firearms Acquisition Certificate is it does not ask the purchaser the reason to own a gun, yet people who say for self defense are denied. “Less than 1% of Firearms Acquisition Certificates are denied” (Kopel). When over 99% are not denied, criminals can easily get this, meaning this certificate is not useful against them. For loopholes, guns that are sold privately are a problem. “Guns that are not purchased in-store would not get recorded so nothing can prove that the purchase was illegal” (MindSquire). There is no way to determine if the purchase was legal or not since most private gun dealers do not ask for licenses, print out receipts, or care compared to guns purchased in-store. Guns in Canada were smuggled and still smuggled to this day. “Guns have been smuggled from the US into Canada, making the restriction less effective” (White.) This is the main loophole that cannot be stopped with the restrictions. Also, stealing firearms is another huge issue. “Some firearms are stolen and gun restrictions do not help at all with this”