
Is Having A Great Time On A Toy Worth The Risk Essay

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Is having a great time on a toy worth the risk? Do you think that the possibility of a hoverboard catching fire or you breaking a bone or crashing with a pedestrian while on a hoverboard is worth having a good time? Many cities don’t think so, and are banning hoverboards from public places. Do you agree? I do! Hoverboards are able to catch fire easily, you can fall off and get seriously injured, and you can crash with pedestrians. Is this worth the risk? Some people might say that hoverboards should be ridden in public because they are easy ways to get around and are superfun. Which is true, but do these people know how dangerous these things are? If you fell, I doubt you would be having much fun! I am sure that these people …show more content…

Hoverboards have caught fire and destroyed people’s homes. The article, Hoverboards 101: What you need to know says,” In Lafitte, Louisiana, a family's home was destroyed after a charging hoverboard caught fire.” Also, this is becoming such a problem that most airlines are banning hoverboards from planes, and this is not the only problem with hoverboards! Next, hoverboards are very dangerous and can cause you to get hurt. Many people do not wear safety gear on them and this is even more of a problem on hoverboards. The Buzz On The Board says, “As of August 2015 there have been more than 70 emergency visits related to hoverboard accidents, and the number is projected to rise.” This shows that hoverboards not only catch fire easily, but are a severe cause in emergency visits! Lastly, hoverboards are not perfect, it is very easy to lose control of the hoverboard and crash with pedestrians or other things around you. First time riders would surely crash, because good riders crash a lot too! The Buzz On The Board says, “ boards were unwelcomed on one University Of California campus when after the police received many complaints from pedestrians about collisions with boardriders.” This shows that hoverboards are very likely to

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