It Was The Worst Times Research Paper

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Charles Dickens, the famous English author from the 1800s, started one of his books with “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” In this quote Charles Dickens is referring to life being the best times and the worst times. Some of the moments that make someone happy can also be bad. Charles Dickens is right about the best of times possibly being the worst. When my younger brother was diagnosed with autism, I learned how autistic kids struggle in their daily lives.
My younger brother, Conner, was doing well until he turned two years old; then he lost his motor skills. Conner was born when I was twelve years old, and I am very blessed to have a younger brother. I never expected to have a sibling one day. Conner was doing well his first two years of age. He was saying “ma-ma” and “da-da”, kicking balls, and interacting with others. He was developing like any other kid normally would. Around the age of two, Conner quit talking and interacting with us the way he normally did. When this happened, we became very concerned. My parents considered Conner may have …show more content…

At Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital he had a twenty-four hour EEG (electroencephalogram) and a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) done. My family and I were relived to find out he did not have seizures. People with autism look at things differently than we do. For example, someone with autism is going to look at details before he or she looks at something as a whole. Conner’s autism causes him to be repetitive and sometimes have a quick temper. My mom always says, “We need to be patient with Conner because he feels and thinks differently than we do”. When my brother could not talk, he would get very frustrated with himself and us. He would mumble things, but we could not make out what he was trying to tell us. Sometimes the way certain objects or clothing feels can bother him. Conner is a very smart kid, but he has a hard time concentrating on

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