
Iwakuni Shirtitsu Middle School Essay

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Japanese School

As you walk through the halls of Iwakuni Shiritsu Iwakuni Junior High School you look around at your firmalar school halls. You can't image school any other way but you are surprised when you have a class about american school. In that class you learn that Yokosuka Middle School is very different from your perfect school, and you can't image how the two school are so different. You are kind of excited and curious when you hear that you be able to go see the school yourself. Iwakuni Shiritsu Iwakuni Junior High School is very different from Yokosuka Middle school in the school year, school subject, school rules/dress code, Education system, school life, and after school life.

Shirtitsu Iwakuni Junior High school is very different from Yokosuka middle school in school year. In Yokosuka Middle school the school year starts usually the last week of august and end in the middle of June. The Shirtitsu middle school starts on April 1 and end in March 26. This is very different from the Yokosuka middle school because we have about two months on summer break and they have about 4-5 days ,depending on ceremony times, before going back to school again for another trimester (which …show more content…

At Yokosuka middle school we have 4 periods a day and they are each 90 minutes long. In Shirtitsu middle school there school times is around 8:15 and ends around 4:30-5:00(this is a rough guess based on research because they don’t say time that school starts). Based on research they have 50 minute classes and about 5-6 periods a day depending on days. Subject that Shirtitsu middle school student are required to take are “Japanese language, social studies, mathematics, science, a foreign language elective (almost always English), music, fine arts, health and physical education, and industrial arts or homemaking.” This does not require the extracular activities outside of

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