
Year 10 Essay

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Year 10, the final year of freedom before we are submerged into a sea of internals and exams. The year where the landscape of WEGC drastically changed, overrun with cranes, debris, men with hard hats and makeshift stairs. Amongst all of this chaos, year tens were grasping the ropes of their newfound leadership. Showing the Year 9’s where their classes are, constantly reminding them what side of the corridor to walk on and informing the fresh students of all the DO’s and DON’T’s of college. Being a Year 10 comes with many unofficial privileges. Such as not being the fresh meat of the school, not being canoodled by the older Year groups and finally being able to roam the school freely without worrying about being trampled in the canteen line and whether you are walking to the correct class. We had finally …show more content…

This will allow us to test our groovy moves (whips and nae nae’s included) and to make the stage our dance floor. Another aspect of Year 10 that we all truly indulged in was the fact it was our final year of freedom. Year 9 was all about the impression, handing in work on time and settling in. Year 11, 12 and 13 are the accentuation of NCEA and being the profound leaders of the school. Year 10 is the year for memory making and finding your place in a school of 1100 students. It is the year for trying new things and character building. This whole atmosphere is ‘trial’, having the ability to be a part of so many different events and clubs is a quality that most schools do not obtain. The vast amount of opportunities and extracurricular events is what makes this foundation on the hill so especially special. On our last day, the second group of Year 9s arrived. It was funny to think that just three days ago we were them, a nervous and unsure bunch ready to make new friends and camp memories. When it was time to leave, no one wanted to go back to school. We’d all had too much fun at

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