
Middle School Vs American School Essay

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Japanese middle school are different and similar then an American middle school in many ways in this paper I will inform you on three ways they are different or similar. The first way that a japanese school is different or similarities are in the length of their school year, the school subjects, and the schools dress codes. The information on American schools is based on my past experience in America and the American dodea school I am currently in. The school year is different compared to an american school because they have around eight months of school form April to late June then early September to later December when an american school goes for nine months from in September to mid June. However the starting and ending hours of a japanese school is quite similar. The starting hours of american schools are around seven thirty and end at around three thirty. Similarly a Japanese school starts at around eight thirty and ends around three but these …show more content…

To start with they teach Japanese as a core class however in an english school they teach english. English is more like an elective compared to the other class such as mathematics, science, social studies, music, and PE which are all core class the same as in American schools. In elementary they also teach simple cooking and sewing skills but most english schools do not offer that. Elective subjects usually include Computer Science (when it's not mandatory), Art or Music. Sometimes, depending on the school and area, more vocational subjects are available, for example: Technology, Agriculture, Commerce, Fishery, other Languages, Social Welfare, or more advanced classes in Math or Science, etc , but in America the electives such as Business, Computer Science, Family and consumer Science, Foreign Language, Math, Performing arts, PE, Science, Social Studies, Visual arts are all branches that electives can break off

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