Jack Kevorkian Assisted Suicide Case Study

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Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted patients who were terminally ill in ending their lives and was unjustly punished due to the legality of his actions.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian was born in Pontiac, Michigan in 1928. He became a doctor who began his career by performing lethal injections on death row patients, earning him the nickname “Dr. Death.” (Following this,) in 1987 he began to use these injections to put incurable terminally ill patients out of their misery. (This got him )arrested for murder in 1990 why?. brought to the stanDuring the trial d when nd to defend himself, gave a speech about how what he did was not murder, as the person, Janet Adkins, wanted to die and would eventually have died anyway. The judge, surprised by this logic, called a mistrial. give some detail about Janet and then talk about how he was tried for murder

Later, charges against Kevorkian were dropped, as there were no laws in Michigan regarding assisted suicide. However, in 1991 law officials in Michigan revoked Kevorkian’s medical license, as the state had decided that his actions proved that he was not worthy of it. Between 1990 and 1998, Kevorkian assisted in the suicides of 130 patients, but in every case it was the patient that activated the device (what device??) that ended their life. Kevorkian created a medical device that used euthanasia to put patients down, which …show more content…

He ultimately was not pardoned, and was not given parole until 2007. Kevorkian gave lectures at universities about euthanasia and appeared on various talk shows, during one of which he stated that all physicians play God when they interfere with a natural process. In 2010, he attended the world premiere of the film You Don’t Know Jack, a film based on his life starring Al Pacino as Kevorkian. He also walked the red carpet alongside Pacino and made a cameo appearance in the