Jack The Ripper Persuasive Essay

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As there were many people which were suspected as to who Jack the Ripper was, there was never a final accusation on who the real Jack the Ripper was. There are many that believe that Walter Sickert was the murderer. Today, there are still many theories as to who Jack the Ripper was, however the evidence against Walter Sickert is very strong which could very closely prove that Walter Sickert was Jack the Ripper.

Jack the Ripper was a name given to a murderer who had murdered a small number of prostitutes in a very gruesome way as if ripping the victims body, which showed that he had anatomical knowledge. Most of these murders had happened in Whitechapel, England in the year 1888. Jack the Ripper was never identified and remains one of the most infamous mystery serial …show more content…

Jack the Ripper’s victims were mainly women who worked in the slums in the Whitechapel area of London as

Pahuja 2 prostitutes. Many of the victims alike had their throats cut, following abdominal amputations. Many were accused as to being Jack the Ripper.

There were many suspects as to who Jack the Ripper was, however there were two very likely suspects of being the infamous murderer, Walter Sickert, and Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known as his pen name Lewis Carroll. Both suspects had peculiar evidence which acted against them.

One of the most well-known suspects for this case was Walter Sickert. Walter Richard Sickert was a very influential artist as he had painted pictures of the rich and famous including Winston Churchill. Walter Sickert had very easily achieved a high level of fame through his subjects whom he painted being esteemed celebrities of that

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