Jean Kilbourne Killing USftly Analysis

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A beautiful, white 22-year-old woman, strutting down the streets of New York. She’s 5”6 with gorgeous blonde locks, 100 pounds, not a single flaw on her face, with clothes revealing her hourglass figure. A 14-year-old teenager watches this ad from her computer and now has the irresistible urge to diet to feel validated. What are idealized images of women? They are deliberate diabolical images of women that are retouched and unfeasible. Women are always in a constant race to compete with the flawless guidelines exposed in media; which leads to frustration with their own bodies. Many women decide to take action which sometimes destroys their entire life. Why does media want to damage a new generation of adults? Money. Media is a monster devouring …show more content…

Not only does media destroy a woman’s health, it also builds a wall between men and women. A wall filled with cruelty, viciousness, and brutality. In “Killing Us Softly” Jean Kilbourne speaks about how media uses the ‘thin’ ideal to sell sex using women merely as objects. They are depicted in very revealing positions, thin, wearing makeup and typically Caucasian. This conveys to society to believe that women are nothing more than objects and should be treated like property, not caring about their feelings. Women should not be advertised for their female body. The ‘thin’ ideal changes the attitude of men. Men see the ideal portrayed everywhere, resulting men treating women like their inferior. They begin to have a manipulative perception of women – one filled with authority and superiority. This leads to the misconception that women will nod their heads to their desires. So what is the result? Sexual violence because once this behavior is advertised to the world; it normalizes the behavior in reality. Unfortunately, this leads to crimes such as assault and rape. There is no longer a safe environment for women due to media. When a woman doesn’t even have the right over her own body because media has consumed society as a whole that is where media crosses the line. It is clear that media influences more than just women – media resets the boundaries of how men should act towards

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