Joan Of Arc Impact On Society

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Joan of Arc was once a greatly condemned woman but she has made a huge impact on Medieval Europe and our current generation in many different ways. She not only assisted in liberating France from England but has changed the way we view different genders and has even made quite the mark on the entertainment industry.

Joan of Arc is most infamously known for her role in the war between France and England, which led to France’s victory. At the time, the Hundred Years' War was in full swing, and at 16, divine voices from saints in her head told Joan that she must assist the dauphin (crown prince) in saving France, as their chances of winning the war were steadily becoming lower. Dressing as a man, she inspired the dauphin to let her lead France’s troops. With her encouraging morale, Joan turned the tides in the war, and France gained on England. Evidence of her impact is her Trial of Nullification, carried out years after her …show more content…

At a time like that, even the idea that a woman could fight in a war, or wear “men’s clothing” was so absurd, that women would get severely punished for it. Despite being a woman, Joan proved that she could do anything a man could do. Her mental and physical strength shown have inspired our generation to view all genders as equal, especially women. Joan’s actions in the war also provided a tremendous push to the suffragette movement. Both Joan’s Trial of Condemnation and Trial of Nullification prove these ideas, as well as drawings and paintings that depict her crossdressing. By doing this, she has broken gender stereotypes, and has allowed this generation to feel as though they can be whichever gender they want to be. She is now considered an LGBTQ+ icon. Joan has modernised our world with her strong beliefs and intelligent mindset, and much for the

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