
Joan Of Arc Impact On Society

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The historical Impact of Joan of Arc “Hold the cross high so I can see it through the flames.” Joan of Arc was a peasant girl in medieval france. At the age of thirteen she believed she was given a mission by god to save France and install Charles as the rightful king. However after defying court orders, she was sentenced to death and her sentence was carried out on May 30th 1431.When Joan was executed she asked somebody to hold the cross up high so she could see it through the flames. Joan of Arc was an inspiring brave and influential person and her influence carries on today. Joan of Arc is a very influential person in Catholicism, she was also a heroine and an advocate for women. To begin with, Joan of Arc was a peasant girl during Medieval …show more content…

Later, at the age of thirteen she believed she was hearing voices from angels telling her to lead a French army to battle to save France. In the end, she was tried and found defying the orders of the court so she was burned at the stake on may 30, 1431 “Born around 1412, Jeanne d’Arc was the daughter of a tenant farmer, Jacques d’Arc. Her pious mother, Isabelle Romée, instilled in her a deep love for the Catholic Church and its teachings” (“Joan of Arc”). Joan of Arc’s family was not a family of wealth and had little money but she was raised with a deep love for the Catholic church and what it taught. “At the age of 13, Joan began to hear voices, which she determined had been sent by God to give her a mission: to save France by expelling its enemies, and to install Charles as its rightful king” (“Joan of Arc”). At the age of thirteen she believed that her God was sending angels to give her the …show more content…

In addition she risked everything she had. Regardless of the consequences she stood for her beliefs. As a result, Joan of Arc was loyal and devoted to her God and to her country and she put everything she had on the line to follow her beliefs. Furthermore, Joan of Arc led the French army in a battle against the English, King Charles the fourth had her to thank for his coronation. Joan of Arc was a very brave, determined, and strong-willed woman who did many things for her country and followed what she believed was her God’s will without any concern for the consequences of her faith. “Finally, Charles gave the 17-year-old Joan of Arc armor and a horse” (“Joan of Arc”). At seventeen years old she was leading an army into battle against the English and she kept her word. She led the army to victory just as she promised she would. “to save France by expelling its enemies, and to install Charles as its rightful king. The Anglo-Burgundians were aiming to get rid of the young leader as well as discredit Charles, who owed his coronation to her” (“Joan of Arc”). She believed that she was also given the mission to make Charles the rightful king of France. When she was captured not only were they trying to get rid of her but they were also trying to take away

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