Job Insecurity Problem Statement

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Problem Statement: Job Insecurity Leads Inefficiency of Employees at Workplace
The job insecurity leading to inefficiency is basically the perceived powerlessness to maintain the desired continuity in a threatened job situation and one’s expectations about continuity in a job situation”. Objective job insecurity refers to the real event that threatens workers’ job situation.
Event may include the overall economic situation in the country such as the austerity measures brought about by the recapitalization and consolidation reform acquisition/merger and internal restructuring as well as downsizing of an organization. Objective job insecurity is that workers who found themselves in organizations that are primarily categorized as “insecure,” experience …show more content…

In addition, job insecurity results in too many precarious conditions such as lack of motivation depression, ill-health, and even suicide. The overall conclusion said that it affects men more than women. In our view, more systematic research is needed also as to the consequences of job insecurity. We call for more longitudinal research to address issues of causality, long-term effects of insecurity, and its relative effects after controlling for other important factors.
Our timescale is more generous, it may be possible to undertake a longitudinal study, to study change and development over time for employees. Taking example for job insecurity leading to inefficiency is basically , a longitudinal study of working practices might examine changes in staff attitudes over time, looking at attitudes before the introduction of new working practices, and then at various periods afterwards. The study design is one of the part of research design.
When selecting a research design it is important to ensure that it is valid, workable and manageable.
Research Methods: Interviews & Focus Groups
The method used for research of problem statement is interview. Interviews are particularly …show more content…

Inquiry should be based upon scientific observation (as opposed to philosophical speculation), and therefore on empirical inquiry.
It is worth having a brief overview of critical inquiry because it offers quite a different perspective to positivism and interpretivist. This critical form of research is a meta-process of investigation, which questions currently held values and assumptions and challenges conventional social structures. Epistemology
The epistemology used for finding the causes of job insecurity in social sector is objectivist because it relies on realties and being as a realist and this problem is facing worldwide especially in multinational companies and also the researchers used the concept of objectivist. The given example explain objectivist in better way.
The above research study was based on qualitative research technique. The interviews in Mobilink
Head office, Call Center and Administrative Department are conducted for collection of data. The measures for analysis are employee turnover, work load, work stress, employee salary, job satisfaction, and work to family conflict. Correlation is used for research studies in order to analyze the relationship among independent and dependent employees. This confirms that the