John Dalton Research Paper

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Known as the the creator of “The Atomic Theory", John Dalton expanded chemistry for decades beyond him. John Dalton was born in Eaglesfield, England on September 6, 1766. Both of his parents were Quakers, because of this his education was limited. He was able to attend village school, and at age eleven he began teaching. By the age of fifteen, he began helping his brother run a Quaker boarding school in the town of Kendall; which was forty miles away from his home. While running this boarding school, he taught himself science, mathematics, latin, greek, and french. At the age of nineteen he became principal of the school until the age of twenty six. In the beginning of 1793, Dalton took on the position of the mathematics teacher and natural philosophy at Manchesters New College. In 1794, he wrote his first scientific paper called Extraordinary Facts Relating to the Vision of Color Blindness. He figured out the color blindness was hereditary because his family members also had it. Although his theory ended up being wrong, he was the first one to ever research color blindness. The condition now, is …show more content…

His most famous random experiments was mixing different gases while heating and cooling them. This lead to his discovery of Thermal Expansion that compression is a reaction of heating and cooling the air. Dalton expanded on that by studying how temperature affects the water vapor in the air. Besides experimenting on gases, he also was one of the first scientists to expand on color blindness. Although he was wrong about the bluish color found in eyes to filter out different shades, He still discovered that there was a sensory power that causes color blindness. Even though he was wrong at first, his aftermath was proved correct. Both of these wouldn’t have been possible without his spontaneous and quick