John Dillinger Research Paper

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John Dillinger
John Dillinger was a gangster back in the great depression era. This is the life of the notorious John Dillinger, his gang, and his living legacy.
John Herbert Dillinger was born on June 22, 1903, in Indianapolis, Indiana. As a boy he committed petty theft and other crimes with a neighborhood gang dubbed “The Dirty Dozen.” His parents were John Wilson Dillinger and Mary Ellen “Molly” Lancaster. Molly died when he was just three years old. His father would flip back and forth between spoiling and discipling, he would lock his son in his room for doing something small, then turn around and give him money for candy. He was the younger of two siblings in his family. His oldest sister Audrey raised him until she got married a year …show more content…

These friends were in prison because of robbing banks and started giving Dillinger a crash course on the life of crime. Dillinger and his new accomplice’s starting scheming and making plans on breaking out of jail and robbing banks. Dillinger had been in the state penitentiary for almost four years when he was notified by his family that his stepmother was gravely ill. As a result he was granted parole but when he arrived home she had already died. Shortly after, he found some of Pierpont’s gang and began robbing banks again. Unfortunately for him, the police had been on him the whole time and it wasn’t long before he was arrested and taken to jail to await transport back to …show more content…

July 22, Anna Sage, his girlfriend at the time, told FBI agents that her and Dillinger were going to see a show that night. So the FBI decided to do a steak out. After the movie let out John Dillinger walked down the street, the agent pulled out his gun, and screamed “Stick’em up, Johnnie, we have you surrounded!” Dillinger reached into his pocket for a gun but was shot from all sides. Four bullets hit his body, three from the rear and one from the front. Slowly, people came around Dillinger’s body, and several people dabbed handkerchiefs into his blood for souvenirs. Police had to be called in to move all the crowds away so that the FBI could create a crime scene and move Dillinger’s

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