Joyce Epstein's School-Family-Community Partnership Model

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Research recognizes parent involvement as an important factor in the quality of a child's education. Joyce Epstein's School-Family-Community Partnership Model is an important model in research and practices surrounding parent involvement. As a framework for increasing parental participation in education, Epstein’s model recognizes six different types of involvement in regards to education. Through her work, Epstein encourages schools to develop activities that work within the six types, as well as instill these types in practices around the home. Parent involvement is as a major factor in improving the quality of a child's education. Because of the importance of parent involvement, understanding how parents help their children and how schools …show more content…

It also suggests that behaviors and attitudes of schools and families can increase the degree of overlap between said schools and families, resulting in numerous benefits for students. Through Epstein’s research and work, she identified six general types of involvement that focuses on improving student learning. The goal of identifying these six types of involvement is so that educators can help to develop strong school and family relationships, and in turn, better the education of the …show more content…

This includes all of the activities that parents do to raise children to become capable students. Unlike teachers, whose influence on a child is limited to the classroom, parents have a life-long commitment to their children. This type of involvement is accomplished by providing learning opportunities for the parents, in order for them to best parent and support their children in school. Adult literacy programs and degree programs for parents are examples of this. Family support programs that focus on nutrition, health, and a safe household also fall under this type of involvement, as these things are necessary for a child to learn successfully. The second type of involvement is communicating. This includes families and schools communicating with each other in numerous ways. Schools send home notes and flyers about important events and activities, as mentioned above in the specific interaction category. Parents can give teachers information about their child's health and educational history. This type of involvement ensures that there is a direct and regular communication between family and school. Communication must be a two way street, that is, parents communicating to the school and the school communicating back to the

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