Julius Caesar: Caesar's Office Of The Council

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Caesar was a Roman politician, general, and notable. Caesar was born in 100 B.C.E his birth was miraculous, requiring a cesarean section (Ironic, I know). Caesar was elected office of the council in 59 B.C. In ancient Rome, they elect two co-councils. When a problem arises they elect one to be emperor based on their skillset. Caesar also was a noble warrior. Caesar pursued a career in the army and the senate, and after some top notch generalizing and a term as a governor, he decided to run for council. In order to win an election, you needed mountains of money. Knowing this Caesar went to Crassus, one of Rome’s richest men, for financial help. Caesar also went to Pompey the great, one of Rome’s most powerful men, for help. Pompey, Crassus,

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