Julius Caesar: The Success Of Gaius Octavius

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Gaius Octavius was born on the 23rd of September, 63 BC. After his great uncle, Julius Caesar, was assassinated, it was read in his will that Caesar would adopt Octavius as his son and make him the heir to the throne. To connect himself better to Julius Caesar's legacy and fame, Octavius opted for a new name, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus. This could attribute his name to Julius Caesar's great success and it also highlights his relationship with Julius Caesar. Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus maintained his status for an extended period of time due to his impressive military feats, his immense political power, and his eagerness to help improve the livelihood of Roman citizens. One of the main reasons that Octavian was able to rise to power …show more content…

He wanted to improve the lives of civilians and protect them. He protected them by making stronger defenses and improving the army, but he also improved the lives of civilians by creating laws and rules that better and more pure people, like regulating adultery. These actions spoke to the people and it was one of the main reasons why the people of Rome sided with Augustus. He made laws that they also agreed with and he also actively tried to make their lives better. Augustus supported numerous laws that benefited his subjects. He tried to use his power in ways to help the people of Rome by getting rid of corrupt officials in government. By getting rid of corruption, he made the people of Rome know that he was against corruption and wanted the government to benefit …show more content…

He successfully defeated Antony at the Battle of Actium, perfected the Roman army, and expanded Rome to ensure that competitors and rebellions were squashed. He appealed to the Roman Senate, had access to numerous titles, and controlled the opposition to stay in power for longer. Finally, he helped citizens, gave more power to plebeians, and started Pax Romana to establish peace and order for the many years to come. All of these reasons are what led Augustus Caesar to become one of the most successful and influential leaders of all