Junior Student Teaching Research Paper

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Junior Student Teaching – LESSON REFLECTION

Teacher’s Name: Jamie Kelly Date of Lesson: 10/22/15

Student’s Name: Addie Student’s Instrument: Trombone

Instructions: After teaching this lesson, reflect on your teaching and the student’s learning. Use the following questions to help guide your thinking – Address those you feel were most applicable for this specific lesson.
1. What one or two words best describe your teaching experience during this lesson?
I think this lesson went well. Addie and I did a lot of playing today.
2. What went well during this lesson?
Addie and I played a lot. We tuned and worked on listening to one another during the warm-up. We worked on scales, and Addie recorded the method book duet.
3. Did you reach your …show more content…

I also think I did a better job of not focusing too much on making everything sound perfect. I also made sure to shorten the warm up so Addie and I could get to the method book.
4. If you had to do this lesson over again, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
If I had to do this lesson over again, I would probably have tried to get more done in the lesson, such as reviewing an exercise or working on a new one in the method book. I feel like Addie was trying to talk a lot, and I tried my best to keep us on task. Next time, I want to keep working on this. I also want to make sure to pay attention to any technique errors Addie makes when it comes to breathing or buzzing. Next lesson, I want to work on band music with Addie as well.
5. What did you do in terms of trying new ideas, concepts, techniques, etc.? How did it pay off in terms of what you and/or your students learned?
For this lesson, I used GarageBand and drones so that we could listen and tune as we played the Remington long tone exercise. I also used a tuner so that Addie and I could tune, since Addie noticed that we were not in tune with each other. I also had Addie record both parts of a duet in the method book into GarageBand, which she really