
Karl Benz Research Paper

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The Birth of the First Automobile
“My first client was a lunatic. My second had a deathwish.”-Karl Benz. Benz was born in November 25, 1884 in Germany(Karl Benz Biography.com,2015). When he had grown up he started to create the first motor. THough his previous attempts were failures ,with the help of his wife,he finally did it “My first client was a lunatic. My second had a deathwish.” this quote implies that the first customers he sold his invention to were willing to try the new mode of transportation. Karl Benz created the first two stoke automobile, used persistence to innovate ways to perfect the two stroke engine , and illuminate the world by creating a way for transportation.
Karl Benz created the first two stroke engine automobile. Built in January 29,1886,(Karl Benz,Biography.com,2013) the two stroke engine automobile was powered by an internal combustible engine.(source one). The automobile had a steel frame, electric coil ignition, rack and pinion steering, an evaporative coil system, and some differential rear-end gears(Karl Benz,About.com,2015). …show more content…

Like trying to create the engine for the vehicle, trying to create the first two stroke engine was tiring work, and Benz was wired down to the bone. He might’ve given up if it weren’t for his wife(Karl Benz, Britannica.com Karl Benz Illuminated the world by creating a source of transportation other than horse and carriages. While the regular horse and carriage goes 3 to 4 mph the motor carriage went 8 mph (How Fast Does a Horse Powered Carriage Go?, Ask.com,2015) This saved a lot of time getting to and from places. If this hadn't have been invented we might not have had today's cars. It also made the roads more cleaner. The horses on carriage made dung which was on the streets. His invention ,though it might not be environmentally friendly, kept the streets cleaner than ever.(Public Sanitation in the 1800s,Hygiene for

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