Karl Popper Falsification Research Paper

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The concept of “falsifiability” come from a famous philosopher named Karl Popper. Falsification is the inherent ability to prove that a statement, hypothesis, or theory is false. He developed the concept of falsification because he realized that some theories could never go wrong and could easily take in any instances of behavior or change helpful to the theory. Falsification allows for important groundbreaking discoveries and achievements which would later on lead to scientific growth. Theories that are falsifiable are to be clear and specific. Karl Popper wanted to figure out the difference between science and pseudoscience. The only way science could go on was through trial and error. Popper basically wanted to establish boundaries or limits between science and pseudoscience. According to Karl Popper he believed that chemistry, physics, and astronomy are science and that Marxist history, and astrology are pseudoscience. He knew very well that science at often times had errors and the pseudoscience may happen to fall on the truth. …show more content…

Based on Popper theory, Astrology is sort of experimental because it is based on the observation of stars and can sometimes be valid if you look hard enough. But astrology is a pseudoscience. Astrology is basically a superstition that has no scientific basis. Astrologers would make vague predictions and premonitions of a person's future and explain events on Earth. Astrologers today could be known as fortune tellers. They made vague prediction because they would be able to explain away anything that could be testable of the theory if the theory and the prophecy had been more