Kindle Direct Publishing Business Analysis

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Self-publishing a book used to be an expensive and daunting proposition. Vanity presses would charge thousands of dollars to typeset and print a manuscript, and at the end of the process an author would have boxes of his or her book delivered. And then what? Market the book. Buy mail-order advertising. Try to get bookstores to pick your title up. Beat the bushes for any exposure you can get. If you are lucky, you might have a few orders trickle in and then you're packaging and shipping. What a hassle.

Starting a publishing house used to be an expensive and daunting proposition. You either invested huge amounts of capital in graphic art, typesetting and printing capability, or you established contractual relationships with businesses that could …show more content…

KDP allows a self-publisher to create and market their own book as a Kindle eBook for free. Kindle books list right there on Amazon search results, side by side with traditional physical books. And now small businesses are able to add publishing to their income streams by creating, marketing and selling other authors' books at minimal cost. My regular readers know that I always emphasize that everyone needs to develop multiple streams (or trickles) of income to survive in the economy of the future. Kindle Direct Publishing is one such stream that is easy and cheap to tap into and has the potential to grow into a perpetual river of income over time. Here's how I got …show more content…

The best one I found is actually an eBook available for free on Amazon! It's called Building Your Book for Kindle and it gives clear simple step-by-step instructions on the mechanics of transforming your Word document properly so your final product will have an active table of contents, images that show up correctly, pages that break at the right places and the book will work on any mobile device from Amazon Kindles to iPads to mobile phones. My 4500 word document turned into an eBook of over 30 pages.

Amazon currently provides a free tool that Kindle developers can download so they can virtually view their completed eBook on any mobile platform before uploading it. You can make any format changes immediately and make sure everything is right before committing the book to publishing.

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