
King David Research Paper

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In ancient Israel, there was a major need of a new King because of the drastic change going on with Philistine: in a way, such that they would defeat the Israelites in war with advanced guns. Samuel was told by Israelites to appoint a new king and leader for Israel, and found out that the leader Saul who was anointed by Samuel was unworthy. During, Saul’s reign from 1020-1000 B.C.E., Samuel thought he found a new prospect as king named David; but was told secretly as later King Saul sought to kill him over jealousy. Thus, David was forced to leave the city up until Saul’s death by the Philistines. After this incident, there was a new leader of Israel, and his name was King David. To begin with, David was definitely the chosen one for Israel because of the impact he left on the Israelites and our generation today. Although he made some …show more content…

According to page 65 of The Christian Theological Tradition, David becomes the “anointed one” due to Samuel’s choosing and quickly establishes his new capital in Jerusalem which the Israelites failed to capture, renaming it “the city of David”. Specific evidence from (2 Sam 7:16) shows how David is indeed the “anointed one” because Nathan who spoke for Yahweh stated, “Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever.” This truly proves the fact that he is on God’s approval and likeness. However, later on King David commits many sins and mistakes which ultimately leads him to his downfall. Also, while committing these sinful acts, it is analyzed that his mistakes affects his family and the ones who are very close to him. For example, he commits adultery with one of his military commander’s wife named Bathsheba. After Bathsheba becomes pregnant with David’s child, he kills his military commander, Uriah so he gets married to Bathsheba

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