Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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Wearing white cowls and robes, having Swastika tattoos, burning crosses, hanging black folks, are just a few things that the Klu Klux Klan has done in the past. The Ku Klux Klan or also known as the KKK, is classified as a hate group, and throughout their three summit in history, they forced blacks and other minorities to live in a horrified fear that they did not deserve. To promote their agenda the KKK whipped people in front of large crowds, and they also raided homes.
The Civil War, also known as “The War Between the States” was from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865. Jefferson Davis was President for the Confederate States of America and Abraham Lincoln was President for the United States of America. The War was fought in different Territories …show more content…

After the Civil War came the Great Depression. The Great Depression was from October 29, 1929 to 1939. There were two presidents at the time, one was Franklin D. Roosevelt and the other was Herbert Hoover. Both the KKK and The Great Depression were around the same time. The KKK started in Alabama around 1915 to 1930. One of The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 by a group of confederate men including John D. Kennedy, Captain John C. Lester and Frank O. McCord, in Pulaski, Tennessee, but Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest was chosen as the first leader, or “grand wizard,” of the Klan. He presided over a hierarchy of grand dragons, grand titans and grand cyclops. The first two words of the organization’s name supposedly derived from the Greek word “kyklos,” meaning circle. The KKK’s core belief is to restore America back to being a white Christian nation, free from …show more content…

Blacks and minorities were especially scared of them because the Klu Klux Klan would kill them because they were black. They would go to people’s homes and raid them of everything which usually ended in someone being murdered (www.pbs.org/). The KKK also burned churches, schools and drove thousands of people out of their homes, because local law enforcement officials were unable or unwilling to stop the Klan. The Klan also whipped people in front of large crowds. They used Lynching which is to put to death, especially by hanging and they also poured hot tar on naked black bodies while they were alive then put feathers on them, which ended up with the people dying