LEONARD Personality Inventory Paper

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LEONARD Personality Inventory (LPI) is created based on personality type theory. In designing the LEONARD Personality Inventory (LPI), Dr. Yong combined the Greek Temperament and Big Five-Factor Model of Personality. LEONARD Personality Inventory (LPI) is based on Greek Temperament. Greek Temperament is one of the earliest personality theory that proposed by the famous Greek physician Hippocrates, the “father of medicine”. There are four type of temperament. The first type is Phlegmatic. Phlegmatic describe a person as calm, introverted, unemotional, easy-going, never-get-upset (Cocoris, 2009). In other words, Phlegmatic person tend to be relaxed and peaceful. The next type, Melancholic is an introverted, logical, analytical, factual, private, …show more content…

The Big Five-Factor Model consist of five broad trait factors that describe the main dimensions of personality. The first factor is neuroticism (emotional instability). Neuroticism is related to feeling negative emotion more often than positive emotion in one’s daily life (King, 2014). For example, people who are high in neuroticism tend to be anxious, depression, embarrassment and anger. Extraversion (Surgency), the second factor, explain that individuals high in extraversion are more likely to engage in social activities, experience gratitude and have a strong sense of meaning in life (King, 2014). Usually they are more sociable, fun-loving, friendly and energetic person. The third factor, openness to experience. It is related to liberal values, open-mindedness, tolerance and creativity (King, 2014). Openness individuals tend to be imaginative, daring, original, broad interest and independent. The next factor, agreeableness, is related to generosity, altruism, religious faith and view other people more positively (King, 2014). Individuals who high in agreeableness are more likely to help others, soft-hearted and trust people easily. The last factor is conscientiousness. Conscientiousness describe people with qualities such as organized, dutiful, hardworking, ambitious, careful, disciplined and maybe