Myers Briggs Personality Traits

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Understanding my personality traits provides me with the ability to understand how I am wired on a deeper level. It provides a map into who I am as a person, what makes me tick, and why I am the way I am. I have always found personality tests interesting. One of my favorite is the Myers Briggs personality type test. Self-awareness can be a foundation to many aspects of a person’s life. Knowing and understanding your personality,
The Five Factor Personality Test (FFPT)
The results of the Five Factor Personality test are Factor I: Extraversion reads that I am 28 above average, Factor II: Agreeableness 28, above average, Factor III: Conscientiousness 41, relatively high, Factor IV: Neuroticism 19 average, and Factor V: 33, relatively high (Buchanan, 2013). Overall, I do see my personally reflected in this test. I found the questions to be interesting. …show more content…

Bloom. My mother is one of the major influence in my life. I grew up observing her resolve, patience, strength, faith, and resiliency. She endured a lot from my father. To this day I cannot think of a stronger, kinder, and more loving person that my mother. A I progress through life often when I am faced with challenges, I will reflect on how my mother deals with challenges and I find it to be comforting. I believe this is where my resilience, strength, discernment, and faith evolve from.
The second influence is my second grade There was a lot going in my home at that time. Mrs. Bloom was a calming person. To this day I recall her dedication and the way she took me under her wing. I do believe that my teacher’s interest and belief in my abilities had a large impact on me at that time of my life. Her faith in me as my teacher, helped me to develop a belief in myself, and a desire to want to excel in my educational challenges.
Manifestation of personality traits in my