Leader Leveraging Diversity Paper

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Based on what you have learned in this unit, please comment about your bias and your plan on how to be a leader who leverages diversity.
I am very honored getting the opportunity to express my view and notion how to be a leader leveraging diversity. I do recognize now, more than ever, that my knowledge and understanding, leveraging diversity, must become an essential part of my leadership role. Since there is a global trend to diversity in the workforce, adaption of values, recognizing a variety of cultures and change of attitude is more important than ever. I will revise and adjust all the theories of leadership with my own perception. Then, I will take necessary measures for improvements on how to leverage diversity much more effective. I would implement a human resource department that is dedicated keeping a healthy functioning ratio of all cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, I would review, reset and adjust all priorities and preferences to the given circumstances of workforce diversity. An integral part of my leadership plan, would be a team of multicultural intrapreneurs that is capable to …show more content…

As a leader, I will always follow ethical rules, recognize cultures, promote diversity and be egalitarian to all people to prevent ethical dilemma. As a leader, I would encourage my subordinates to assist with diversity. This unit gave valuable information to fulfill my responsibilities in a volatile changing environment that promotes multicultural workforce diversity and its demand for associated leaders. Companies adapting to the change while benefiting from all advantages. I think, implying a diversity program makes an organization much more productive and successful. I am gaining a strong emphasis how essential and crucial it is to implement and promote a diversity program in an organization and the consequential