Ethical Leadership Development

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Week 10 Assignment
Leadership Development #4: Ethical Leader Development
Three Strategies used to Develop Ethical Leadership Self-Assessment 6: “How Ethical is Your Behavior?”
Based on the assessment in chapter 2 Reference How Ethical is Your Behavior? I scored a 90. It was no surprise because I base my personal character and moral compass to always make the truthful decision regardless of the outcome. That to me is very not only as a leader but as a husband, a father, and a grandfather that my ethical integrity always land on the side of truth.

Traditional models of ethical decision-making (EDM) are an inadequate framework for understanding how leaders respond to ethical dilemmas under conditions of uncertainty and equivocality. Sensemaking …show more content…

I must continually check my inner core values to make sure that what I am feeling about me dose not cloud my decision making process, when it come to an ethical dilemma. How I value me comes through the developmental environment (family, education, community) that created the foundation of my character. It is those principles that govern my human behavior. The mode in which ethical standards and consequently conduct are neglected or applied is a function of individual characteristics. Covey’s view on effective leadership with a strong ethical component is described in the following sentence: “To value oneself and, at the same time, subordinate oneself to higher purposes and principles is the paradoxical essence of the highest humanity and the foundation of effective leadership (Covey, 2004, p. 19). Leader’s character influences his ethical performance, but solely poor character does not fully explain ethical lapses in corporations. However, it is true, that a strong character plays an important role in effective self-leadership and in the process of leading others. Leaders therefore must rely on their inner voice, inner compass that points them in the ethical direction (Brown, …show more content…

According to insights and research by Rost leadership is defined as a power- and value-laden relationship between leaders and followers/constituents who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes and goals (Rost, 1993). As a leader I would need to establish strong and trust worthy relationships with all my team members and followers that work with me. Once those relationships are moving forward I must maintain them through consistent dialogue with each person individually and collectively as a team. All barriers must be removed that could hinder my need as the leader to hare my ethical position about the issues of life.

Brown, M. E., & Trevino, L. K. (2006). Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(6), 595-616

Covey, S. R. (2004). Seven habits of highly effective people: Free Pr.

Theil, E.C,. Bagdasarov, Z,. Harkrider, L,. Johnson, F. J,. Mumford, D. M. (2012) .“Leader Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: Strategies for Sensemaking.” Journal of Business Ethics. Apr2012, Vol. 107 Issue 1, p49-64. 16p.

Trevino, L. K., Hartman, L. P., Brown, M. (2000) Moral Person and Moral Manager: How Executives Develop a Reputation for Ethical Leadership California Management Review. Vol. 42 Issue 4, p128-142. 15p.

Rost, J. C. (1993). Leadership for the twenty-first century: Praeger