Leading Teachers Essay

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CHAPER VI: CONCLUSION 6.1 Introduction This chapter begins with a restatement of the purpose of this study and then a reflection of the research procedure. Next, the answers for the research questions were provided. Limitations of the study and recommendations for further research are included. 6.2. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to explore the leading teachers? roles and responsibilities in implementing formative assessment and to identify the difficulties and challenges the leading teacher encounter while implementing formative assessment in this school. To satisfy this purpose, leading teachers and teachers who look after or teach for Key-Stage One were interviewed to answer several questions to know their experiences and challenges on implementing formative assessment. The protocol that was utilized during the in-depth interviews is provided in the appendix of this study. …show more content…

The first role of the leading teachers is to persuading teachers to use formative assessment effectively in the classroom and applying the best and suitable assessment tool(s) in the lessons. The second role of the leading teachers is to monitor and provide constructive feedback for the teachers on their performance continuously. Leading teachers need to physically present to observe the classroom teaching, students behavior and how teachers perform. Feedback should be given for the teachers regarding the quality of the teacher. The feedback should be constructive and must help to improve or develop future teaching and learning. The third role found was to provide technical support and assistance for the teachers. Professional development need to be provided for the teachers on the areas required by the teachers. Pedagogy, assessment literacy and developmental supervision need be improved by conducting various workshops, seminars and