Reflection Of A Formative Assessment

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It is a formative and summative type of assessment, given by tutors of the university to myself on my work placement. It contains feedback on our strengths and areas for development. Based on each feedback given, student-teachers are to reflect on it when planning for next lessons and make improvement where it’s needed. It identified my strengths which were my relationship with my students, my effort put into my planning and willingness to try new approaches. For areas of development, it suggested that my explanations needed more clarification and not to over explain things.
The other part of the artefact is a snapshot of my weekly reflection that I have reflected during my work placement. I observed different cultures that my students belong …show more content…

I collected data that have researched on it and I looked at it from a sociological lens to understand the complexity of it.
Relationship of Evidence to Standards & Competencies:
One of the knowledge outcomes is Ethical standards and professional behaviour. Within this outcome are the continuum of teacher education and the life-long of the teacher.
This formative assessment provides student-teacher’s feedback on their performance in classroom, which enabled improvement on teaching and learnings. It identified my strengths which were my relationship with my students, my effort put into my planning and willingness to try new approaches. I am always trying new approaches in teaching and learning. For example, the bookkeeping is a difficult topic to teach and students found it difficult to understand the bookkeeping rules. Students would be invited in front of the class and explain the rules with props and role play. It was fun to watch and they certainly enjoyed taking responsibility of their own learning. It would take up a lot of planning to do them active learning lesson …show more content…

Teachers are expected to reflect on and continue to improve their own professional practice. On our teaching practice, we are provided with opportunities to engage in professional development. We are provided the opportunities to receive formative assessment on our teaching practice from our university tutors. Based on the feedback given, we analysed and critically reflected both perspectives and develop our learning to improve our professional practice. The artefact displayed the area for improvement. My problem was that I overanalyse the students’ learning and I solved the problem by stepping back and letting the students taking responsibility in their own learning. I wrote weekly reflections based on my teaching practice and on the tutors’ feedback. After each lesson I would do the self-evaluation to reflect the lesson. Looking at the weekly reflections helped my professional

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