Teacher's Professional Development

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This research proposal is being done to find out or determine teachers’ perception on Professional Development (PD) which is being done in the schools and is being done to explore the effectiveness of Professional Development (PD) programmes planned and conducted by the administrators in the schools. Improvements by teachers through Professional Development (PD) have been identified as the most important way of keeping teachers abreast with the modern technology and the latest developments in education (Darling -Hammond, 2009, Fullan & Hargreaves, 1991).
The Government and our Education Ministry in recent years has done so much by launching efforts to improve education by creating a fundamental shift in what children learn and how they are …show more content…

In this regard Fullan & Steiegelbauer(1991) strongly recommend the need for ongoing professional development which would help bring about positive changes in teachers and in return improve their performance at school work .Conner’s (1991)and Fullan& Steiegel bauer(1991)suggests that in order for school teacher professional development to be effective ,it must promote changes in :
I. Teachers’ belief ,attitudes, theories or pedagogical assumptions ;
II. Changes in content …show more content…

Thus, for the benefit of on-going improvement in teachers’ knowledge and skills, it is important to determine the effectiveness of the school based teacher professional development in all schools

The aim of this proposal study is to determine the effectiveness of school based teacher professional development Programs being conducted in a school.

Given the aim of the study, the following key proposal questions are posed to help steer the proposal:
Are the school leaders effectively planning and conducting the school based teacher Professional Development Programmes?
In addition, three further questions were posed as underpinning to the principal research question and are as follows:
1. How are the school based Professional Development programs conducted and its current status?
2. What are the challenges faced by the school leaders in conducting teacher
Professional Development programs?
3. What is done by the