The Importance Of Improving America's Education System

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Ever hear your friends complain about a pop quiz they received in math class?
Well, have you ever heard of millions of people in America complain about America's education system? Right now, America ranks only 25th place out of 30 in Math and 15th out of 29 in reading… and it is not improving. No matter how hard we are trying to improve it, America’s education system is one of the worst in the world. The NGA
(National Governors Association) promised to make America be the leading country in
Math and science… But America is not keeping that promise very well as it ranks as one of the worst leading countries in math because of the ineffective practices we have been trying in the past and present. And due to the large amount of skills students …show more content…

How would looking back at the past help? It’s because it is good to know how our education system was back then because if we look back at how good it was, we can apply those key points to how our schools are today and improve it.
If our education system was good enough back in the 1900s, then what’s wrong with it today? Many have tried to fix the education system, but failed because of the fact that they don’t know what was wrong in the first place! Schools today are evolving because of all the new technology...which is part of the problem. Students that go to an alltechnology school can get distracted by tablets and computers instead of actually listening to the teachers. Another major problem is poverty. Many kids in america are poor or are living in poverty, causing them to not have the correct school equipment such as backpacks and notebooks. Students also can’t get into good schools are no schools at all. Now how about what the students are actually learning? According to The
Atlantic newsletter, 75% of students in America take remedial math classes or drop …show more content…

There needs to be more of a awareness.It is obvious that America's education system has a long way to go, and the first place to start is to change how schools actually work, such as the environment and technology. Teachers should be more strict towards bullying and more aware. Technology in schools should also be revised. When the government try to fix the American education system, they should start at patching up maths common core.
Why do people think Americans education system is broken? It’s because of the outcome of it, which is the level of students education. But what are the students not getting? Almost everything actually. America ranks 24/29 in problem solving, 25/29 in math,18/29 in science and 15/29 in reading. America has a long way to can’t be emphasized enough, Math is Americas worst subject considering at how much reading and science improved. But what's wrong with how math works? 1 of four students fail math exams and 3 of 4 take remedial math classes. Many teachers say that students are not learning most of the skills they should already have due to how the common core standard works. Another important set of skills people are not having when they leave school is how to be an employee. Many employers and businesses complain