
Learning Objectives Connected To The Nebraska State Standards

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Reflecting on my experience in this course, I learned some valuable information and tools that I feel will be beneficial as I continue my path towards getting a degree in Special Education. I feel that I still have some ways to go to feel absolutely comfortable in designing IEP documents and meetings. Creating learning objectives connected to the Nebraska State Standards were a challenge but also a beneficial learning experience for me. I found it to be great practice to find connections between the standards and learning objectives I wanted the student to accomplish. I find it to be really important to think about what tools students bring to the table while also considering what challenges could create valuable learning opportunities for the student. I found it beneficial to reflect with other …show more content…

Example: When I first read about task analytic, I was confused on the idea. It sounded very similar to the Discrete Trial Training. After participating in the video chat, I was able to decipher the difference. Discrete Trial Training uses a response prompt, model, response reinforcement tool. Task Analytic uses fading processes of prompts that will lead the student to becoming independent as the task is being taught. I really enjoyed have PowerPoint, PowToons, or other technology presentations that further explain the concept being discussed in the book. I am a visual learner and I feel the presentations really helped keep my focus centered on the topic and clarified any questions that I still had after reading the chapters from the modules. Some challenges I faced from this course were the demonstrations. I wanted to be able to explain my presentation in a clear and precise way. However, I was not always sure if I was headed in the right direction or if I explained my thinking in enough depth required for the

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