
Legalizing Euthanasia In Australia Essay

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Euthanasia is accepted as the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Although there are some instances where some people want to die. The term euthanasia comes from the Greek word euthanatos meaning easy death.
Euthanasia, or physician assisted suicide, will become legal in Victoria , mid 2019. Victoria is the first state in Australia to legalise euthanasia. There are conditions that must be met before the lethal drugs are given. If someone requests to be euthanatised they must be over 18 years old and capably of making decisions. Their life expectancy must be less than 6 month and they must have an incurable illness. However I feel that there are aspects that will leave the …show more content…

An example of this could be, someone does not appreciates another person’s existents. Perhaps family members do not get along or someone is waiting for an inheritance. They could use euthanasia as an excuse to get rid of this person. In this circumstance, euthanasia is abused to benefit someone else.
Another abuse of euthanasia could be people wanting themselves to die. The rate of mental health issues is increasing every year and there may be people who would use euthanasia instead of preforming the act themselves. Unfortunately there are some people who would misused this legislation for selfish reasons. Doctor Henk Reitsma stated, “Effectively ‘being tired of life’ qualifies for euthanasia in Holland.” Is being sick of life an excuse to end it?
Christians believe that what is written in the bible was recorded by men but inspired by God. It states in the bible as one of the Ten Commandment “thou shall not kill.” This is a direct order from God not to kill. Euthanasia is viewed by Christians to be sinful and against God’s word. Some Christians do support euthanasia; however, I do believe that euthanasia goes against God’s word and His commandments. I feel that as a Christian I have to take the whole bible as sacred rather than picking and choosing what suits me at the

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