Lessons Learned From Randolph College At Sweet Briar College

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Today we learned about lesson planning. I have written many lesson plans in undergraduate at Sweet Briar College, but Randolph College has a different format so I needed help. A group of students who were familiar with the format taught the rest of the class about lesson planning. We were also able to ask them questions which was very helpful. I made the decision that I would still need two lesson plans. One lesson plan for me to use when I teach and one formal lesson plan to turn in. It was then time for me to teach my lesson that I had made on maps using the Randolph College format. I am not used to peer teaching. I normally either just describe my lesson to my class or teach the lesson to my students. It was a much scarier experience then …show more content…

We got a tour of the garden lead by one of the students in our class. Before we entered we learned about the history of the garden. The first thing you see when you enter the garden are the apple trees. We learned that there were many different types and that the students wanted to see if they would all grow in this environment. I found it exciting that everything in the garden is edible. Many children do not know how fruits and vegetables grow and I think it would be a wonderful if they could visit the garden. The garden had chickens, which lay eggs. Many children have never collected eggs before and would be beneficial for students to see how eggs are collected. While in the garden I could think of many different reasons why I would bring my elementary school class there as a field …show more content…

We broke into small groups to make a list of what a teacher needs to do when planing a field trip then we compared them to the classes ideas. Some of the ideas on our list were that the teacher needed to find an SOL that the trip related to, make a budget, and inform the students and parents what the students needed to wear for the trip. We then met in our groups to discuss what the teacher needed to do after the trip and we shared those ideas with the class as well. Some of those included having a culminating activity, an assessment, and write student and teacher reflections on the trip. We were then instructed to write a lesson plan in our content area on the organic garden. I chose to write my lesson plan for kindergarden on communities. I did not have much time to write the lesson so I had to write it quickly in the computer lab. It was hard to come up with an interesting lesson with time constraints. Some students then peer taught their lessons to the

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