
Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

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Realizing who you are and your identity is never easy. Something like that never happens overnight. Many people figure out who they are after they start living on their own, working, or when they find something they are passionate about, but what gets an individual to realize who they are is the struggles and challenges they overcome to get to where they are. Overcoming challenges and struggles builds you into the person you are and motivates an individual to self actualization. Personal struggles one endures during their fight for justice helps oneself with self actualization, although some people disagree that their endeavors don’t provide the outcome, the struggle helps an individual to be resilient, strong, and hopeful, helping them towards …show more content…

Personal struggles can be viewed as bad, but struggles one endures while fighting for justice and what is right helps develop them into who they are and can bring out the best in them. In Letter From Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. says, “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” King Jr. and his personal struggles have been proof that struggles can be a motivation to self actualization. The resilience he built through the hardships he faced helped him become who he is, from the countless beatings he and many other activists faced or the many times he had been thrown in jail, King Jr. would not have accomplished as much as he did and become such an important figure in civil rights history if he did not let his struggles become inspiration to help him grow as a person. Growing to become strong is never easy. It happens through training and experience. Being strong physically and mentally requires one to go through challenges and power …show more content…

In moments that are full of hardship and struggle, focusing on the fact that they will pass and that good things will happen, having hope, shapes a person into how they cope through tough times. Of course, it is unfortunate to go through difficult times and struggles, and many disregard the belief that the struggle becomes the reward, but how you face the struggles shapes you. In the autobiography, Between the World and Me by Ta-nehisi Coates, a series of letters written to his future son about the hardships and struggles he faced as an African American man in America. Coates says “The changes have awarded me a rapture that comes only when you can no longer be lied to, when you rejected the dream. But even more, the changes have taught me how to. to question what I see, then to question what I see after that, because the questions matter as much, perhaps more than the answers....” As Coates records all the tough experiences he goes through that shape him as a person he also writes with a sincere attitude, shaping his view on what the future

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