Level 5 Health And Social Care Reflective Practice Essay

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Reflective practice is something that practitioners are encouraged to take part in. Reflective practice is the action of practitioners looking back on the service they have provided to see what they need to improve on in order to continue their professional development. Reflective practice makes sure that practitioners are always aware of their actions and can see when they need support or additional training.
'Reflection is the thought process where individuals consider their experiences to gain insights about their whole practice.' cited from https://www.hcpc-uk.org/globalassets/news-and-events/benefits-of-becoming-a-reflective-practitioner----joint-statement-2019.pdf at 14:13 on 20/02/2023. This reference further explains reflective practice. …show more content…

Professional standards are set by the professional standards authority for health and social care. Professional standards are in place to protect service users by putting boundaries in place. The professional standards authority ensures that regulators are protecting the public and making sure that the regulators are encouraging improvement. Professional standards also ensure that practitioners are held responsible for their actions.
Reflective practice allows review their service in relation to professional standards. Reflective practice encourages practitioners to have an awareness of the standards. One of the standards listed by the professional standards authority is governance. Governance is frameworks and policy put in place to follow legislation such as duty of care.
This relates to the title as duty of care as it is a legal requirement. Duty of Care is centred on individual’s well-being, welfare and practitioners good practice. Practitioners can reflect on the care they are providing in relation to duty of care. The practitioner may review their care and reflect on the care they provided alongside professional standards and legal in relation to the title so that they can maintain professional standards and make sure that they are keeping the public safe. …show more content…

Whilst physical is not the only need it is one. Individual’s physical needs can be a health condition or an injury that physically affects them causing them to require health and social care services. As well as physical health another individual need that should be met is emotional. Many individuals using health and social care services may be using the service at a distressing time. Practitioners should be aware that many individuals may be emotional and be there to support them. Another need is cognitive, this refers to the individuals learning and processing. It is important for practitioners to make sure that the individual is understanding and processing information whether this is playing bored games with a child or taking extra time to explain the information given to an elderly patient. The final need is social, it is known that social interaction is important to maintain well-being. A practitioner can meet social needs by taking extra time to have a conversation with a service