Lifeguard Research Paper

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Everyone assumes that the life of a lifeguard includes basking in the sun, eating ice pops, and it being the dream summer job. As a lifeguard it pretty much is the easiest and funniest way to save up for college, at least until something more serious happens takes a turn. I and a team of lifeguards one day took a turn for the worst when the unthinkable happened. “For this end, we must be knit together, in this work, as one man.” The key to survival, he asserts, is unity in Christian love (2)” quoted John Winthrop. Many think as a lifeguard you are all on your own, but in this case we had to knit together to save a live just like John Winthrop quoted. Teens from all over the county like Fort Chiswell, Rural Retreat, and Wytheville come to lifeguard at the local Wytheville Community Center. We are from different schools, different atmospheres, and have totally different personalizes, but when the time comes we all unite as one unique team. Coming together is the first thing to do when becoming a team. Diversity can bring a whole new perspective to any tricky situation and brings many great minds together. A team is usually seen on a court or playing field, however you can look just about anywhere and see a team like at work, school, or possibly even on a video game, a team is made of many individuals that want to …show more content…

I and the lifeguards from the Wytheville Community Center worked as a team to save a life of someone we have never met before. Our reward from working as a team gave the teenage boy another chance at life. This is the greatest reward that I have ever received. Some rewards from teamwork are big and some are small, but the true reward is working as a team. I and the team of lifeguards that made the save that day later received a Hero Reward from the Town of Wytheville and got to meet the teenage boy we had