Logical Consequences Of Corporal Punishment In The Philippines

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Verbal Punishment, Withholding, using of Logical Consequences, Grounding, and Isolation are several forms of punishment by parents to their children. But, the most common form of punishment used by Filipino parents is Corporal or Physical Punishment. This kind of discipline makes use of bodily force for the purpose of correcting a child’s behavior and shaping his/her character, as well as instill discipline as they grow. It usually applies spanking or slapping of a child with the parent’s open hand, but at some point parents or guardians tend to make use of a belt, slipper, cane, broom stick or ruler. This kind of punishment is the authoritarian parenting style. It is described as painful, brutal, and distressing but these are only three of the numerous words that are often associated with Physical punishment. This form of punishment is, indeed, a painful way of imparting discipline. However, the unending issue regarding this form of punishment is whether the infliction of physical force to mold a child’s character justifiable in the context of disciplining young children.
Undeniably, Corporal punishment is continuingly practiced today. With many laws protecting unfair and hurtful treatment of individuals, it is easily to forget that most children overwhelmingly receive this questionable and unjust form of correction. Thus, when we think of corporal punishment our minds would probably jump to the extreme forms of it, like severe beating, torturing, and hanging. Though

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