Looking Glass Self Theory Essay

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Intro Many theories exist with the intent of advancing the understanding of human development but by and large, many fall short in doing so. Numerous theories have been discredited in a variety of ways, due to illogically far fetched ideas and insinuations, while others have been praised for their largely applicable assets. For example, the Looking Glass Self Theory, though not commonly studied, is a respectable theory that seeks to explain psychosocial human behavior. Overview of Theory & Stage of Development The Looking Glass Self Theory, formed by Charles Horton Cooley, is the view that the way we, as humans, perceive ourselves is entirely dependent upon how we believe that other people view us. While the Looking Glass Self Theory is …show more content…

Participants then rated each experience or lack thereof as “not upsetting, somewhat upsetting [or] very upsetting” (Petersen & Hyde). Participants then answered questions about their self-surveillance habits or the ways that they consciously monitor their own behaviors, according to the following statements: “‘During the day, I think about how I look many times,’ ‘I often worry about whether the clothes I 'm wearing make me look good,’ ‘I often compare how I look with how other people look,’ and ‘I often worry about how I look to other people’” (Petersen & Hyde), which was then rated on a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being “strongly disagree” and 7 being “strongly agree”. Disordered eating was then measured when participants entered ninth grade, according to questions that inquired the frequency of their disordered eating symptoms, which were rated on a scale of 1 to 6, 1 being “never” and 6 being