
Lord Apollo Research Paper

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Lord Apollo Apollo was one of the twelve Greek Olympians. He was the Greek god of many things, such as healing, music, archery, and the sun. His father was Zeus and his mother was Leto. He was twins with Artemis, the god of hunting and the moon, who was similar to and different from Apollo in many ways. He was born on the sacred island of Delos with Artemis, where a mythological, sacred plant grows. He was god of the prophecy, and controlled four out of the five main oracles. He had many love interests in his time, including Hyacinthus, a divine Greek hero. There are many facts and stories about the Greek god Apollo. What was Apollo the god of? Apollo was the Greek god of music, poetry, many arts, archery, plague, healing and disease, …show more content…

The only oracle that Apollo didn’t control was the Grove of Dodona. Information was given in the form of a prophecy, which was usually in the form of a poem. Delphi was controlled by a woman, and Trophonius was controlled by Trophonius, a son of Apollo, in a cave. Erythaea was controlled by Herophile, a woman with a beautiful voice that persuaded Apollo to grant her prophetic power. The Oracle of Cumæ was controlled by The Cumaean Sibyl, an ancient Greek priestess. The Oracle of Cumæ was later used by the Romans. The biggest oracle was the Oracle of Delphi, which is why the city of Delphi’s patron god was Apollo. An example of a prophecy is when Croeses, a Greek Lydian king traveled to all oracles to gain information. Herodotus, and Greek historian claimed that the Oracle of Delphi provided the following …show more content…

Wikipedia, Org. Hyacinth (mythology) - Wikipedia. Accessed 3 April 2023. This source was extremely useful since it supplied me with the story about Hyacinthus and Apollo I used in my essay. It explained what events took place, and who Hyacinthus exactly was. It tells about Hyancinthus’ background, like where he was from. “Artemis”. Wikipedia, Org. Artemis - Wikipedia. Accessed 6 April 2023. This source stated important information about Artemis, Apollo’s divine twin. I used sources for both Apollo and Artemis to compare and contrast who they were and what they were the god of. “HELIUS (Helios)”. Theoi, com. HELIUS (Helios) - Greek Titan God of the Sun (Roman Sol). Accessed 6 April 2023. This website gave me information about Helios, the titan god of the sun. It showed me that Apollo and Helios were different people. It also informed the parentage of Helios. “List of oracular statements from Delphi”. Wikipedia, com. List of oracular statements from Delphi - Wikipedia. Accessed 6 April, 2023. This source was extremely useful as it provided a great list of prophecies that came from the Oracle of Delphi. This was important because it would give an example of an Ancient Greek

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