Louisiana Road Conditions Essay

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Submission – 225 Magazine LA Roads Article Road conditions in Baton Rouge will get a driver’s attention instantly. Crumbling and congested roads cost the average Louisiana driver thousands of dollars per year in vehicle maintenance and repairs. Windshields are broken, tires get busted, and front ends are knocked out of alignment when driving on Louisiana’s bad roads. Accidents involving serious injuries and fatalities are linked to poor road maintenance; with Louisiana’s current budget crisis, there are no easy answers on how to fix roads. However, Baton Rouge drivers can reduce the likelihood of accidents on Louisiana’s bad roads by keeping their vehicles in good operating condition, avoiding distractions while driving, and planning safer routes in advance. First, a vehicle that is in good operating condition can ensures the driver has the ability to accelerate, stop and steer, potentially avoiding accidents on Louisiana’s bad roads. Recent heavy rainfalls, submerged Louisiana’s roads under water, adding to an already poor state of road conditions. While operating a vehicle on Louisiana roads, the driver must be on the lookout for erosion, potholes and shoulder issues which allow water to get under the road, making …show more content…

Newer vehicles come equipped with so much technological devices inside, for example satellite navigational systems, satellite phone devices, mobile internet service, and DVD players which easily distract drivers. But, more accidents are occurring on Louisiana’s bad roads are a result of cellphone use. Dialing, texting or reaching for a cellphone while driving raises the risk of a crash or near-miss accident on Louisiana’s roads, especially for younger drivers. Distraction while operating a vehicle plays a significant role in accidents on Louisiana’s bad roads and should be