Plato, renowned political thinker and father of philosophy, understood that democracy had a destiny. He suggests that the problems in a democratic society could never be solved due to the tyranny of the majority. This “rule by the majority” concept dose not account for the ignorance of some people and could never truly form a just society. Much like in todays America the end result of the democratic lifestyle is that it’s citizens become dismayed by the inefficiency of their government. An ideal society would promote and sustain justice in the pursuit of happiness for all its citizens. Justice must be carried out by an objectively universal set of truths that appeal to the human soul. These are just some of the attractions to transitioning …show more content…
Italian philosopher Machiavelli who portrayed politics as an art wrote a practical, useful, and candid manual on how to acquire and maintain power named The Prince. He suggests that the successful ruler (or in our case philosopher kings) should reject Christian values, judge actions by their effects and not what they consider to be right, and understand that the ends always justify the means. Machiavelli insists that the key to power is to recognize the depraved nature of humans and that people are only “good” when it is convenient to them. Rulers must understand how not to be good in order to carry out a dual layer code for society (one for the rulers and one for the ruled). To establish principalities one must eradicate the old family (current government officials) completely and allow subjects to retain their customs during re-colonization. The main concern though will always be war preparation, Machiavelli states that a prince who is diligent in times of peace will remain prepared in times of adversity and suggests that we should never rely on others for