
Machismo In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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In Chronicle Of a Death Foretold, Marquez criticizes the values of machismo through the characterization of the Vicario twins and Bayardo San Ramon. The values of machismo are very prominent throughout the novel during the time period of the 1950s in the Latin American world. MAchismo is described as the concept associated with a strong sense of masculine pride. Men are being controlled by society to demonstrate the role of machismo in the characteristics of their everyday actions and choices. Machismo through the eyes of Marques is yet to be a positive impact on the characters and is criticized through the Vicario twins and Bayardo San Roman impact on their personality and the world they live in. As the role of Machismo constantly roaming …show more content…

The Vicario twins are wrapped up in the expectations of the town as they forget their own motive. Even from the beginning, Their decision of killing Santiago Nasar feels very rushed and pressured from outside influences; they ended up hesitant. The narrator explains, “Still, in reality, it seems that the Vicario brothers had done nothing right with a view to killing Santiago Nasar…. could be imagined to have someone to stop them from killing him, and they had failed,” (3.5). With all of the pressure the twins are feeling, they were hoping that they did not have to actually kill him. They gave out many hints and announcements warning the people in town that they will be committing a crime of murdering Santiago in hopes of someone stopping them. The pressure of Machismo is shown through the twins hesitation of committing the crime by them wanting an excuse of ‘being caught’ or people being against the murder. However the opposite occurred, the town did not make any efforts to stop the twins because they knew it was what they had to do in order to regain their families honor. The townspeople are used to these faults happening that they do not try to stop it. Even though all of this, the Vicario twins wrote Santiago a letter that stated where he will be killed and when, but none of this stopped them from getting their family’s honor

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