
Maintain A Safe And Supportive Learning Environment Essay

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• Lone Working Policy which determines what actions to take while lone working, for example having Health& Safety packs or obligation to contact a Named Person with necessary details.
• Policy on the Use of Social Networking Sites- while using Networking Sites it is essential to act appropriately, in a way which will not affect the company image
• Malpractice Policy exposes when a teacher may be a subject to Disciplinary Procedure.

Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.
Learning environment is very important in learning process. In order to learn, learner has to feel safe. I would take into account three aspects of learning environment: physical, social and learning (Gravells 2015).
Physical is everything which surrounds us. I would be responsible for pre-visual check of the classroom to check if it is free from hazards or any kind of obstruction which may be against Health& Safety criteria. I would familiarize myself with the …show more content…

It is very easy to show favoritism, but it would be very inappropriate, against Professional Standards and Equality policy, that is why I would have to stay on a teacher- learner basis. Teacher is to help learners to overcome their learning barriers, however, sometimes I would need to work with other professionals due to lack of appropriate education and knowledge. It is important not to try resolving problems which are not my responsibility as the result would be the opposite. Gravells (2015) gives a very good example when a teacher who wanted to play a video clip found that there is no internet connection. She supposed to call a technician, but she decided to check the cables on her own. In a result she broke a cable. This situation clearly shows why professional boundaries should be

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