Cato The Elder Sparknotes

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Marcus Porcius Cato who was also known as Cato the Elder, was a military tribune in the Second Punic War. He is called "The Elder" to not be confused with his great grandson, Cato the Younger. Cato was born as a Plebian, but had a drive to climb up to the top of Rome's highest offices (McKay, John P.) His main goal was to restore old virtues of Rome that had been lost and forgotten. Cato grew up to be a brilliant leader because of his war skills, humbleness, and political skills. Cato strived to develop in his political aspirations. He would take a stroll through the marketplace and help whomever asked for his assistance. He would freely do this, but expected that these people would grant him political support. Clientage is the act Cato performed. Clientage is a "roman custom whereby free men entrusted their lives to a more powerful man in exchange for support in public life and private matters” (p. 125). Cato was the very first member of his family to run for public office. He was elected as quaestor in 204 B. C. From there he was assigned to the proconsul publius cornelius scirio during the war in Africa. Cato continued progressing as the years went by. He became plebeian aedile in 199, and a year later, praetor in Sardinia. In 195 he and his close friend won the consulship. Cato …show more content…

Although evidently bright, he kept a humble demeanor. Men called him a "Roman Demosthenes". Many people wished they possessed such skills as Cato. His spoken words were not only moving. He turned his words into actions. Cato “cultivated the old habits of bodily labor; preferred a lighter supper, a cold breakfast, loved old clothes and a homely lodging" (Marcus Cato). One would think that a great leader such as Cato would be waited on hand and foot; but Cato enjoyed doing things on his own. He would carry his own armor and assisted others in preparations when he could. He performed many great works such as improving public works of the