Maslow's Theory Of Humanistic Learning

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Humanism learning theory

Finally we will discuss the theory of humanism. Humanism is the contrast of behaviorism and cognitive theory. In humanistic learning, its main purpose is to facilitate the learner to foster learner compatible with the environment. The learning process is practiced very appropriate and compatible for the learner. Practiced this theory can also help learner to become a man who can make decisions. It also gives flexibility to the learner to learn at their convenience.

Maslow (1954) developed hierarchy of needs as a model to understand the needs of individuals. He believed every person has a strong power to satisfy a requirement in the desire to achieve self satisfaction. As a guide line for learner, he creates “Maslow hierarchy”. The first need is to be fulfilled and as an important basic needs and it is physiological needs such as food, water. After all the basic needs which is physiological and safety needs been achieve, now the person can go to psychological needs which is contents of belongings and love needs, and also esteem needs. As he’s able to accomplished 2 previous needs, he can move to the higher level. He’s able to build self esteem which eventually lead him to self actualization and it is a self fulfillment needs.

Basically, the goal of learning is to achieve self actualization, which its help to become the best learner they can. Carl Roger (1994) agreed with the main assumption of Maslow. But he added needs of “self actualization”