Mastering The World Of Psychology Paper

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Psychology houses a very broad range of views, as discussed in “Mastering the World of Psychology: Fifth Edition” (Wood, Wood, & Boyd, 2014). Although, there may be subcategories within, there is seven major categories for contemporary perspectives in psychology: Behavioral, psychoanalytical, humanistic, cognitive, evolutionary, biological, and sociocultural. Although perspectives may be intermixed between multiple different groups, current psychologists devise their theories of the basics of these major perspectives. Behavioral psychology, the oldest and the start of all other forms of psychology, is the study of behaviors, the observable and measurable movements of the body, as there are ways to demonstrate these over internal items such …show more content…

This perspective places the focus of psychology onto the humans, believing that how we react and perform in our environments is our own doing. This field has the greatest significance in studying memory, decision making, language, and perception. Then, there is evolutionary perspective, which primary studies how behaviors, especially survival techniques, have persisted and evolved as a species over time to fit humans. Darwin’s theories of evolution are based off of this perspective, stating that those with the greatest chance of survival are those who have the best survival techniques and behaviors. Also, strongly based into the more scientific perspectives, is the biological perspective. This perspective is very similar to evolutionary perspective, but instead of focusing on traits and behaviors that everyone shares, biological studies how differences in these formed. So, they study how different parts of the body, such as hormones, the brain, and genetics, all play into how our behaviors start to develop as we age. This perspective is very important into neuroscience, the study of how our nervous system is run by the brain. The final major perspective of psychology is the sociocultural perspective. This perspective places a lot of the cause for behavior on the society and culture in which we are raised. So, this perspective may study the correlations between school performance and country, demonstrating how and why Asian countries show much higher schools due to their highly competitive nature of schools. And so, this perspective takes the most prevalence in those studying sociological items such as traditions, socioeconomic status, and impacts of social