Matt Suarez's The Flaw Of The Grading System

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The Failure of Grading in Public High Schools

Most people in life that go on to be publicly known or have a successful business after escaping the jail that is high school, are actually the students that didn’t make such good grades. The school grading system trains you students to reach for an unattainable goal, has untruthful promises, has many flaws, causes mental issues in students, leads to cheating, and makes students not even comprehend what they are learning. The grades we get are supposedly the only thing that tracks how a student is doing in school. With that, a student has the mind set that if they do, everything right and good like they’re supposed to they’ll get rewarded with an A grade. Sadly however, the real world hits hard …show more content…

In Matt Suarez’s article, “The Flaw of the Grading System,” he makes the analogy, that was altered a little bit so it fits with more of this situation, that says, a person takes a 100 question quiz, that said person would have to get at least 90 of those questions right to get an A. The average person can barely get 80% of the questions right on a test about their grade level. The average student will barely manage to get a low A on their final grade by wasting their time, their childhood in the making, just to get a simple letter in return that’ll barely affect anything. Why should you all as people not realize the flaws of the grading system, and how you have to be near perfect to achieve the one goal you have in …show more content…

They only learn how to answer tests correctly or even cheat their way out of it. Every single time there is an upcoming test in school, a teacher will hype it up just for students to have high stakes about it and then cheat their way out of it to relieve that stress. The accidental fear and stress that is put onto students will affect the way they learn. Not to mention that teachers will unpurposefully put multiple tests on the same day leading towards students freaking out about it, overloading their mind, and they end up cheating off of someone next to them because that’s the only way they can please their parents with a good grade. The chances are however, that the student being copied off is stressed too, so they’ll both fail. According to a 2019 report by the Pew Research Center, “70 percent of 13 to 17-year-olds surveyed believe anxiety and depression to be a major problem among their peers, and this same group—many of whom are now the students in our college classrooms—identifies the pressure to get good grades as the most significant factor leading to these mental health issues.” Students are scared of failing and are only fixated on getting a good grade, and they’re not worried about what they’re actually