Mba Admission Essay Sample

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Efforts should be made to get where we want and to become the person we dream. We must not let anyone set our limits. Only hard work can lead us to accomplish our aspirations, no matter how impossible they may seem. These have always been my mottos and I try to do my best, no matter what I do. I never give up until I reach my goals. I have come a long way to get where I am now and I intend to continue until I become an excellent professional and a useful person to society. After completing rigorous admission tests, I entered the Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences in Havana, Cuba. This is a very desirable and selective Pre-University or High School that only accepts students with the higher scores because the goal of the school is to increase the number of students that study scientific careers with a higher education and general preparation. As a result, it offers a program similar to the AP classes …show more content…

I also rotated through different hospitals and clinics in order to complete my training. I practiced several specialties like General Dentistry, Periodontics, and Pediatric Dentistry. Unfortunately, my plans to relocate to another country made it impossible for me to finish my career. I moved to United States in 2012, and while I waited for my papers to be in order, I enrolled in the English as a Second Language course offered at Lincoln Land Community College. This truly helped me improve my English skills and also facilitated my integration in the community. As my new life began, new dreams started to emerge. I knew I wanted to graduate from college and I knew it was going to be a challenge the fact that I had to do it in a different language; however, I did not let that stop me. I studied really hard and in January 2014 a new chapter of my student life