Media In Ww2 Essay

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The news media plays a large part in public opinion; and controlling what the public can see and hear is crucial to maintaining a solid war effort. During World War II, the government instrumentally used the press to persuade the public and help the war effort. “During World War II, most Americans followed the news of the war through three sources: radio broadcasts, newspapers and newsreels that preceded the movies at their local theatres” ( The change in the media impacted the war due to the expansion of technology and advertisement of the press which allowed the media to report free of government interruption. Throughout the war, public opinion steadily increased as the war went on.
During American’s involvement in World War II, propaganda (media used to influence people) was used to boost support for the war. Using different types of media, propaganda posters created hatred for the enemy and support for the American allies. Propaganda in the United States aided in keeping military recruitments up and a high trust in the government. The media also didn’t show President Roosevelt in his wheelchair due to Polio, because they wanted to portray him as a strong leader and defender of our country. Propaganda was the influential reason that Adolf Hitler was so hated among Americans. …show more content…

The Office of War Information was created under President Franklin D. Roosevelt to pass through only certain information to the press. The OWI flooded Americans with propaganda, hoping that everyone was be reached and moved by the message. “The six themes that were stressed through the OWI were: the issue, the enemy, the allies, work and production, sacrifice, and the fighting forces” ( The OWI ranked the importance of issues that should be covered, putting the promotion of war bonds, recruiting for the army, and supply rationing as top